القائمة الرئيسية
Health Insurance
Health Insurance

Health Insurance

Because your health is precious! We offer a package of excellent health services at affordable prices, in addition to covering the widest medical network in all cities and villages in the country.

We also provide our insured participants with a health insurance card that allows them to benefit from all medical facilities such as hospitals, clinics, laboratories, radiology centers and other medical services.

What does Health insurance cover?

This insurance covers medical expenses at hospitals including doctors' fees and bed charges. It also covers clinics, medicines, examinations and x-rays, surgical operations and also covers the expenses of natural and caesarean delivery.


Participation in health insurance

Before subscribing to the health insurance program at Palestine Insurance Company, you must fill out a form that contains information about the persons to be insured and covered in the insurance including "ID numbers, birth dates, residential address, phone numbers and personal photos for each individual insured."


Annual Premium for the health policy:

• Number and age of participants

• Type of the coverage required.


Insurance Calculator
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